To Companies
Plaza Iuris Lawyers offer legal services in different areas of business law, and particularly in the digital environment of IT (Technology and Telecoms) and IP (Intellectual Property).
Information and Communication Technology

Advice on matters of creation, operation and administration of digital business.
- Online business consultancy and information services.
- Drafting of general terms & conditions and particulars of distance selling.
- Identification, analysis and management of digital risks.
- Drafting of policies and internal procedures of good governance, training and advising upper management and offering guidance to staff.
- E-Payment issues.
- Industrial and intellectual property.
- Management of image rights.
- Taxation matters relating to e-commerce.
- Drafting of legal notices on the web page (Privacy policy, Use policy, Treatment of cookies).

Privacy and Personal Data Protection
- Adequacy of rules (policies, protocols and procedures).
- Drafting of contracts for performance of data treatment services.
- Management of international and inter-group transfers.
- Drafting of Binding Corporate Rules (BCR).
- Preparation of the Security Document.
- Risk Analysis, Privacy Impact Assessment.
- Mediation in disciplinary proceedings before the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

Advice on matters of Digital Rights.
- Rights to privacy and use of digital devices in the workplace.
- Right to digital disconnection in the workplace.
- Right to privacy regarding the use of video surveillance and sound recording devices in the workplace.
- Right to privacy regarding the use of geolocation systems in the workplace.
- Digital rights in collective bargaining.

Cyber Security and Prevention of Cybercrime
- Drafting of policies of good governance and Corporate Compliance.
- Legal audit of cyber security systems in accordance with Spanish regulations.
- Legal advice on ISO/IEC 27001 on information security management, ISO/IEC 27018 on protection of personally identifiable information and ISO 20000 on systems of management of IT services.
- Advice to Operators and Providers of Essential Services in security of networks and information systems

Drafting of contracts in the online environment
- Cloud computing.
- Blockchain.
- B2B and C2C contracts.
- Software, user licences, development contracts.
- Deposit of source code and data migration.
- Transfer of rights agreements.

Domain Names
- Advice and defence in matters of conflict and arbitration (domain names, trademarks, other rights).
- Process management (cancellation, opposition, transfer), arbitration proceedings before national and international arbitration courts ( CANN).
- Management of Trademark Clearinghouse services (TMCH).

- Operators.
- Advice on, and interpretation of, statutes.
- Consumers and users.
- Rights and obligations.
- Regulatory authorities:
- Commission for the Telecommunications Market (CMT), Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD).

Electronic signature and certification services
Judicial processes.
- Identity theft: Misuse, or use without consent, of personal data (credit card, bank accounts, user names and passwords, personal identification). Phishing, pharming, cracking, spyware.
- Breach of Industrial/Intellectual Property rights: Unauthorized use of trade marks, domain names “Cybersquatting”, copyright (computer programs, musical and literary works, unauthorized downloads and possession and distribution of illegal copies).
- Offences against heritage and the socioeconomic order: telecommunications fraud by third party extraction of data “Hacking”.
- Offences against broadcasting services.
- Fraud.
- Damages, information sabotage.
- Unauthorized access.
- Falsification of documents.
- Discovery and disclosure of secrets.
- Immoral acts, harassment of minors, pornography and corruption of minors.
- Support for, or incitement to, discrimination.
- Intimidation or coercion.
- Defamation or slander of public officials.

Creation of corporate entities.
- Management of ordinary corporate function.
- Determination of the structure and functioning of the Board of Directors.
- Assistance in implementing compliance and good governance practices.
- Assisting the Board of Directors by acting as a legal advisor to the company.
- Attendance at convened shareholder meetings.

Restructuring operations, mergers, acquisitions and joint ventures.

Dissolutions. Assistance with liquidations of assets and liabilities.

Contract drafting.
- Distribution, technical assistance, renting, procurement, agency, franchise, etc.
- Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreements, Comfort letters, Service-level Agreements and Binding Corporate Rules.

Industrial & Intellectual Property.
- Legal and strategic consulting on IP matters.
- Management of registration of rights concerning distinctive marks and inventions (trademarks, designs, geographical classifications “DO”, patents, utility models), protection of intellectual creations (software, databases, audio-visual works, multimedia works, audio recording, graphic works), and media and entertainment matters.
- Preparation of contracts: exploitation of rights, technology transfer, licences, know-how, confidentiality, merchandising, franchising etc.
-. Defence of distinctive marks, inventions and intellectual creations before national and international authorities, and in police or customs investigation and legal proceedings. - Negotiations with rights management organizations.

- Legal and strategic consulting on publicity matters (radio, press, TV and internet).
- Preparation of contracts: sponsorship, assignment of rights, advertising campaigns, labelling.
- Direct advertising, social networking, content management.
- Advice on proceedings before self-regulatory bodies.

Money Laundering
- Assistance in dealing with bodies responsible for organizational, operational and technological obligations.
- Drafting of policies and procedures for client identification and control.
- Intervention in status enquiry and sanction proceedings.

Competition Law / Antitrust law
- Legal assistance in matters of:
- Restrictive practices, antitrust.
- Anti-competitive and monopolistic practices.
- Control of state aid and subsidies.
- Negotiation with public administration and EU institutions.
- Amelioration of administrative sanctions.
- Proceedings before the National Commission of Markets and Competition (CNMC), the European Commission and the European Court of Justice.

Consumers and Users
- Drafting of contracts and general and special conditions, guarantees.
- Participation in arbitration, disciplinary and legal procedures.

Financial, Tax and Labour Matters
- Advice and guidance on revenue and taxation of the business in general and especially with digital business (ecommerce).
- Advice in the areas of labour and social security and specifically in matters of information technology and “Bring Your Own Device” practices.